Observe without Evaluating
Observe. Allow. Be open. Notice. Acknowledge.
None of these things require judgment or evaluation from you — certainly not condemnation. Withhold judgment. Refrain from condemnation or even evaluation. Simply observe.
“Why,” one might ask, “would I practice such a principle?”
Peace. The answer to that question is: peace. To find inner peace, calm at the center of life’s storms, cultivating the skill of observation without evaluation enhances your capacity to be present in your circumstances, yet unperturbed by them.
In each passing moment, we have only the gentlest influence over our circumstances. God is in control of everything, and He is trustworthy. In most moments of our lives, we need not evaluate but observe, we need not speak (inwardly or to others) but listen, we need not react but allow.
A great part of practicing wisdom is actively trusting God with your life’s circumstances. This is not passive surrender but active surrender — dynamic, conscious releasing of each present moment to God by intentionally choosing to trust Him. When one does this, his focus shifts from reaction to intentional permission, from judgment to consideration, from speaking to listening, and from evaluation to observation.
As you go through the rest of your day, see whether you can make an effort to simply observe, rather than evaluate, your circumstances. At the end of the day, make time to consider how this effort influenced your interactions with others and shaped your internal perceptions. Even in this reflective moment, however, refrain from evaluation; simply observe.
Each day that you do this, you will expand your meta-conscious capacity, and find yourself closer to clarity and inner peace.
© 2021 Noel Bagwell. All Right Reserved.