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Surrender Is Not Giving Up

Lead Again


Recently, many people in my life have reminded me that one of the healthiest habits I can cultivate is to focus only on those things over which I have a reasonable amount of influence, and to simply surrender into God’s hands everything else, truly trusting Him to let His will be done.

For a long time I have tried to influence things that were not really within my ability to influence. This bad habit has caused a great deal of unhappiness — even hurt — for myself and others.

Therefore, to improve myself and my relationships, I have committed to (1) humbly admitting, and daily reminding myself, of how little I can influence or control, and (2) trusting God with everything else.

This is surrender, but it is not giving up, because there is power in prayer and in submitting to God’s will in your life, allowing Him to use one as a channel for His love, grace, mercy, compassion, gentleness, and kindness.

I am not giving up on others, on my relationships, or on the world. I am giving up on the futile endeavor of expanding my own meager power, instead of being a humble instrument of God’s power.

© 2021 Noel Bagwell. All Right Reserved.



Lead Again
Lead Again

Written by Lead Again

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